Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nature’s Cattle: South Dakota’s Pure Natural Grass Fed Beef Producer

We run a small operation raising Longhorn and Longhorn cross cattle. Our cattle are raised naturally on pasture, the way nature intended, and are not confined. We use no hormones, implants, antibiotics or grains. Longhorns are proven to have less cholesterol than other cattle and are a healthier meat product. We chose Longhorns because to us they are the cattle closest to nature. They originally survived on their own for centuries without man’s interference; survival of the fittest. As a result they are smarter, tougher and sounder than other cattle. We love the colors and their great disposition. They are fun friendly cattle.

More on Grass Fed Beef...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Consumption of Natural Grass Fed Beef Can Prevent Mad Cow Disease

...Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or "Mad Cow Disease" has its origin dating back to mid-1980s but a similar fatal disease called "kuru", means "to shake", has been recorded dating back in the early 1950s by an Australian explorer in Papua New Guinea.

BSE, kuru, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease all belong to a family of diseases known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Forms of TSEs such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), variant-CJD, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and Kuru are known to affect humans....

Read more... Consumption of Natural Grass Fed Beef Can Prevent Mad Cow Disease

Part 2 - Cooking Natural Grass Fed Beef

When defrosting natural grass fed meat you can move it from the freezer to the main refrigerator compartment. This method allows you 3 to 5 days of refrigeration before you should safely cook the meat. If you defrost your meat in the packaging you can use a cold water bath. Make sure the packaging is waterproof. You have to change the water every 30 minutes and it takes around 2 to 3 hours to defrost a 3 pound roast. The last method is using the microwave....

Read more...Part 2 - Cooking Natural Grass Fed Beef

The Truth About Natural Grass Fed Beef

There are still many of you out there who believe that "natural" grass fed beef and feedlot beef (the ones we buy from local supermarkets) are about the same product. The truth is they are about as different as night and day. Because of lack of transparency and false marketing, the consumers are forced to believe that the beef they buy from local grocery store is the same as the organic/natural (grass fed) beef that many years ago available to most of us directly from the ranchers themselves.

Well, things have dramatically changed since the food industry has been controlled by a hand full of big agri-businesses. We no longer have full access to the real information of what our food has been altered to, from our meats to fresh produce.

It is regarded as one of the biggest catastrophe in human health in the coming years. If consumers do not take responsibility of their own health, the food that is being sold to us will continue to be tampered with without us knowing the possible risks and health dangers of these food genetic modifications and experiments...

Read more...The Truth About Grass Fed Beef

Friday, June 26, 2009

Organic Grass Fed Beef vs. Feedlot Beef

Grass is an edible herbaceous plant material not containing cereal grain, grain byproducts or concentrate that can be grazed or harvested for feeding. Buy Natural Grass Fed BeefThis claim applies to ruminant animals whose sole energy/feed source throughout their life span is derived from grass (annual and perennial), forbs (legumes, brassicas), browse, forage, or stockpiled forages all not containing cereal grain or concentrate.

Read full article - Organic Grass Fed Beef vs. Feedlot Beef....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cooking All Natural Grass Fed Beef (Part 1)

By Win Brookhouse

There are few things you should know about handling natural grass feed beef for cooking.

It is not necessary to wash meat before cooking. Any bacteria on the meat will be destroyed in the cooking process. Some recipes call for washing off meat, this is done to prepare it for a batter or dusting of flour usually and requires the meat to be patted dry using a paper towel. If you buy your beef in a health food store or at a farmer's market make it the last thing you buy before leaving. When you get it home immediately refrigerate it at 40 degrees and use it within 3 to 5 days. You can freeze the meat and if hard frozen it will last 9 to 12 months. If you freeze it in the store packaging overwrap with aluminum foil or freezer-weight plastic wrap. Read full article - Natural Grass Fed Beef...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Part 1 - Benefits of Grass Fed Beef

There is now a big demand for all natural grass fed beef amongst the health conscious beef consumers. But affordable grass fed beef is not easy to find. Although you may find these high-priced grass fed beef products on the Internet or through mail order catalog, they are meant to cater mainly the upper middle class people who can afford these inflated prices. Now, you may wonder why is it that these prices are so high, that only the rich can afford them. Well, the prices of all-natural grass fed beef are extremely high because of high in demand but lack of supply. And producers of these natural healthy beefs know this very well. You may say that these beef producers price these products so high because “they can”. In other words, if the supply of these natural beef products somehow met the demand these prices would not be as inflated and exaggerated.

Knowledgably consumers also know the difference in value between commercial grocery beef and natural grass fed beef. Most beef that we buy from our local supermarkets are from large corporate feedlots. Feedlots are these confined ranches where cows are grain or corn fed to increase their body fat before slaughter for better profit gain. Not to mention that these cows receive regular synthetic hormonal treatment to increase their muscle mass. This inhumane practice is known to have harmful effects on the consumers. You should also know that diseases amongst cows that are in these confined conditions are very prevalent which forces ranchers to treat them with antibiotics which then become part, as residue, of the beef products that you buy from commercial supermarkets.

There are much more that most beef consumers do not know about the real reason for the scarcity of natural grass fed beef. Most of us have been told that it is just too costly to produce 100% natural grass fed beef and sustainable ranching is just not conducive to fit our modern beef market economy. But is it all true?

Learn more about natural grass fed beef